Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lijit - A Nice Blog Search Tool

Lijit - A social web search tool, which makes you able to search within your social network. It gives you capability of not only searching within your trusted network but also very easy to install on your blog. The results of lijit search is about 100% accurate. The widget is absolutely free too. So why are you waiting for go and get one for your blog and improve your blog's popularity. Site search or blog search is going to become one of the integral component of web 2.0, hence Lijit is making you able to enter the world of web 2.0.

1 comment:

tarable said...

Thanks for the wonderful review and for installing Lijit on your blog.

In your post, you didn't mention the stats we provide bloggers and IMHO, that is a big part of our value. We help you to become a better blog publisher by allowing you to better understand and serve your readers. If you know what searches they're doing that return no results, you have a good idea on what content you need to create.

If you (or any of your readers) have feedback about the widget's functionality, we would love to hear it. I'm tara at lijit dot com.

Thanks again!